# Connections This article describes how to manage configuration of Connections in your Datastreams Platform account. List of available Connection type: | Connection Type | Description | Requirements | | --------------- | ----------- | ------------ | | App SDK | App / Software Development Kit | TBD | | (s)FTP server | TBD | Host name
User name
File path
Content type
Poll interval
Action on complete | | SQL Database | TBD | Database systems
Database hostname
Database port
Database name
Database table name
Database username
Database user password | | Website | TBD | TBD | | SMTP server | TBD | TTLS
SMTP server authentication
List of mail addresses (comma-separated)
SMTP server host
Sender email address | | Timer | Cron Job | Cron job schedule | | HTTP REST | TBD | HTTP method type
URL path | | Kafka | TBD | Topic
Connection details | | Amazon S3 | TBD | AWS region
AWS key
Secret key
Bucket name
Content type | | Google Cloud Bucket | TBD | Project ID
Private key ID
Private key
Client ID
Client email
Bucket name
Content type | | Azure Blob Storage | TBD | Account name
Storage key
Container name
Content type | | Slack | TBD | Connector URL | | Microsoft Teams | TBD | Connector URL | | Webhook | TBD | Connector URL
Headers | | Adobe analytics | TBD | Report suite ID
Report suite URL | | Platform 161 | TBD | P161 username
P161 username
P161 private key | ## Create a Connection Use the following steps to add a Connection: 1. In the sidebar, click **CONNECTIONS**. 2. Click **+** on the bottom right. 3. Enter the **Name for the connection**. 4. Select the **Connection type** from the dropdown list. 5. Click **CREATE**. ## Edit a Connection Use the following steps to edit a Connection: 1. In the sidebar, click **CONNECTIONS**. 2. Select the Connection to be edited, click **EDIT**. ## Delete a Connection Use the following steps to delete a Connection: 1. In the sidebar, click **CONNECTIONS**. 2. Select the Connection to be deleted, click **X**. 3. To confirm deletion, click **DELETE**.